with the Premiere of Alana's New Book
An inspiring guide that includes everything you need to:
Tap into your own river of wisdom with exclusive exercises
Lead groups deeply and lovingly with detailed guidance.
Generate embodied well-being with Alana’s online recordings, accompanied by musician Jesse Manno.

Boiling down her five decades of somatic leadership with Turning the Wheel into one easy-to-understand cookbook of creative movement methods and ideas, this is the guide you need to lead, whether you are a new facilitator or a seasoned mentor.
- Mark Metz, Executive Director, Dance First Association, Conscious Dancer magazine

“Dancing Our Way Home: A Guide to Improvising through Life”
A Step by Step Guide to a Revolutionary Model for Change
“Dancing Our Way Home: A Guide to Improvising through Life, Art & Performance,” published by Beechworth Press, is now available through Amazon.com. The book is a stepbystep guide to setting up, teaching, and expanding a sustainable community dance/theatre program. You will find hundreds of proven exercises for creative play in community, including teaching tips, movement games for everybody, community performance forms and lively school workshops from start to finish.
Teachers in all grade levels find the exercises invaluable for inclass and after school programs, as well as offering them much needed resources for integrating creative expression into classroom activities.
“Dancing Our Way Home” is also available at Amazon.com and from
Barnesandnoble.com, Powells.com, Allibris.com, Advanced Educational Products, AEPBooktree.com and by request through your local bookstore.
“I am blown away by how this work can transform a group of individuals into loving, caring community within moments. There is no hidden agenda, no smoke and mirrors. Everyone participates at his or her own comfort level. If the world needs asavin’ then this is the best plan I’ve ever seen”
- Perry Smith, Musician Wilmington, North Carolina