Support Our Leadership Immersion Program
We have a great group of teens and caretakers who are committed to bringing this work back to their communities. Our scholarship fund allows us to keep our programming accessible to people from all different backgrounds.
Thank you to our generous donor who has kicked off the campaign with $1200. We only need to raise $3000 more to cover our scholarship costs.
Donations Cover Food, Lodging, and Transportation
We will do the rest. We know this week will be transformative for these folks, and that their renewed skills and self-confidence will radiate outward to reach their friends, their families, and their community! "It opened my eyes to know that you don't need pot or any substances to be happy and okay. You just need the right people with big accepting hearts. And it's just a life changing emotional experience." - Teen Participant, 2012 "The retreat allowed me to deepen into my strength as a leader and to trust that I am all that I need to be." - Daley Ackerman, 2016 "I learned how to take care of myself. Before I came here I couldn't see how strong I was. I seemed like a weak person, but that changed through this whole experience." - Teen Participant, 2013
or Send your Donation to Turning the Wheel Productions 1123 County Rd 83 Boulder, CO 80302