Step into an innovative, movement centered model for personal transformation and community development.

“Loving ourselves wholeheartedly, and then creating loving, accepting, and healing environments for others is certainly one of the answers to every question on the table today. Don’t ask what the world needs. Rather ask, what makes you come alive? Then go do and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” –Howard Thurman
A Place To Begin
Steps to Join the First Level
Sign up for The Body Now Apprenticeship Program:
Fill out an application.
Have a personal interview. A TTW mentor will reach out to you to set it up.
Level One: $12 an hour. To move to Level two must complete:
40 hours of facilitation in the classroom
3 day Body Now regional workshop
3 hour training
Level Two: $14 an hour. To move to Level three must complete:
Additional 40 hours of classroom facilitation
Reading Dancing Our Way Home and The Body Now
5 mentorship hours
Have the option to join a caravan with pay $480. Airline ticket paid by facilitator
Level Three: $15 an hour.
Have the option to join a caravan with pay $480. Airline ticket paid by TTW.