"You know the kids are excited about the program, and telling their parents about it at home, when the parents show up" - Site Coordinator, LA's BEST

Our City
Turning the Wheel Los Angeles has been reaching out to underserved youth in Los Angeles since 1999. TTWLA is currently focused on bringing arts education programs to teens in community day schools, and sharing the TTW model with educators across the city. These programs enliven whole mind, body, and spirit consciousness through authentic self-expression.
City Coordinators
Daley Ackerman
Daley joined Turning the Wheel in 2011 and has continued to grow as a city director and national facilitator. She holds a BA from Lewis and Clark College and is in her first year at WISC (Waldorf Institute of Southern California). She is passionate about creating an environment for people to be seen and met as they are and loves to weave play into every action.
Morgan Fox
Morgan Fox was first on stage with Turning the Wheel when he was 4 years old and since then has been a performer, youth facilitator, and member of the national team. He is now a city coordinator in Los Angeles and also designed and created the TTW website.
Contact Us!
Daley Ackerman daley@turningthewheel.org
(818) 472-2632