Commonly Asked Questions

Are there any prerequisites to being able to join the program?
Your experiences until this point have led you to this program. We ask that you fill out your application and have a personal interview before making your final decision. If you are in a city where a TTW program is happening, you may visit for observation or participation, but this is not required.
How do I begin?
Complete an application, and we will arrange an interview with a TTW staff mentor.
When can I begin?
Students may enter the certification program at any time.
What will I be qualified to do when I complete this certification?
Turning the Wheel’s innovative, movement centered model for personal transformation and community development takes many forms depending on the individual’s interests.
You will be qualified to establish and run a program for:
any grade level: preschool through university
elder care facilities
special populations (teachers, survivors of abuse, special needs, cancer survivors)
You will be qualified to be paid and work with our National team in any city on projects where facilitators are needed. These include corporate clients, Caravan week-long school programs, and community performances.
The facilitation tools in our training have been integrated into participants existing work including: drama and dance educators, performing artists and choreographers, life coaches, parents and parent advocates, social workers, somatic therapists, psychotherapists, body workers, and organization directors and managers
What does the cost of tuition include?
Tuition Includes:
Ongoing support in your work from our community of facilitators. (Programming and outreach for various populations, navigating school politics, Behavior and teaching strategies, TTW pedagogy and more. This mentorship is designed around your needs.
3 one hour personal coaching sessions with Alana, Founder of Turning the Wheel
Bi monthly conference calls with all facilitators.
Annual facilitator retreat (first weekend in December)
Access to templates designed over 25 years of working in the community: Class plans, Art projects, Grants, Supply lists, Performance projects.
Not included in tuition is any travel costs associated with attending TTW programming. Home stays are available for your paid internship requirement if needed.
How long does the certification program take to complete?
The TTW Facilitation Certification program is designed to be completed in one to two years.
Where can I find information about the Summer Residency Retreat?
You can find all the details about the annual Summer Residency Retreat here.
Where can I find information about the Facilitator Retreat?
The annual Facilitator Retreat typically happens the first week of December in Boulder, CO. You can find out more information about
the retreat by contacting any TTW representative.
Where can I find the application?
Right here We are so excited you want to Join the “Yes” Collective today!