Conscious Body Coaching
Conscious Body Coaching has been developed over 25 years as Alana Shaw has collected, synthesized and implemented various bodies of...

Turning The Wheel in Los Angeles
Turning The Wheel had the pleasure of spending the week at Palisades Academy, Westminster Elementary, and McKinley Elementary. Alana Shaw...

Join us to Celebrate Alana's New Book: "The Body Now - Birthing The Yes Collective"
DIVE INTO 30 YEARS OF WISDOM with the premiere of Alana's New Book The Body Now Birthing the Yes Collective Available now on Balboa...

Los Angeles Caravan Sep 18th - 23rd, 2017
Join us on our Caravan Los Angeles, CA Caravan 9/18 - 9/23 The Body Now Mandala Workshop in LA 9/22 Curious to dip your toes into...

Support Our Leadership Immersion Program
Donate Today on Crowdrise Say YES to teens from diverse backgrounds from across the US who have experienced Turning the Wheel in their...

2nd Annual "Month of Goodness"
Reclaim your Goodness and Raise the Collective! Sign Up For Daily or Weekly Emails: Tinyurl.com/TTWGoodness ​​Email will include: - Ways...

Los Angeles "The Body Now" Workshop
Are You Ready To Bring Fresh Energy & New Tools to Your Life and Your Career? In this fun and highly interactive workshop we will learn...

TTW Events in 2017
CARAVANS Los Angeles January 30 - February 4 September 17 - 23 Boulder March 6 -11 Oakland May 8 - 13 Wilmington September 3 - 10 Port...

Temescal Academy ‘Turns the Wheel’
Read about our work at Temescal Academy in LA in the Palisadian-Post. We spent our last LA Caravan playing with teens there and people...

"The Body Now" Workshop in Los Angeles Oct 1st
Are You Ready To Bring Fresh Energy & New Tools to Your Life and Your Career? In this fun and highly interactive workshop we will learn...