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Conscious Body Coaching!

Learn how to guide your clients that last step into embodied well-being that endures and watch them flourish.
How do we truly live from the wisdom of our bodies and guide others to that possibility? The Conscious Body Coach offers a combination of language, movement, sound, breathing, spiritual practices, and creative expression to guide participants on a path of embodied self-discovery.
Hand in hand with these time-tested embodiment practices is our commitment to a heart centered and inclusive way to live on the earth, and to staying open and moving in our own evolutionary process.
In this empowering and embodied model you will:

Discover an innovative and comprehensive approach to transforming dis-ease of all kinds into sustainable well-being.
Experience embodied and playful exercises and tools for listening to the messages of your body and creating well-being that you can integrate into your coaching practice.
Travel through the steps of “The Body Now” healing mandala so it becomes an easeful vehicle for you to guide your clients to embody and manifest their own true story
Take gentle guided journeys into your interior landscape that support your own evolution, and open heartedness allowing you to show up as a clear vessel for healing.
Build your confidence as a healing facilitator while learning to use and teach practical and effective communication tools that you can bring to individuals and organizations.
Explore cutting edge heart and brain research and well-being techniques, enhanced by stories that illustrate the application and success of conscious body coaching.
Learn gentle and easy ways to increase your connection with your intuitive heart and to channel the insights from that connection into conscious healing modalities.
Connect deeply with like-minded practitioners and share with each other in breakout sessions, both professionally and personally. These connections can last a lifetime.
Practice the skills we are focusing on with each other, guided by the Turning the Wheel team of experienced, positive facilitators with years of experience in embodiment practices.
Receive journaling exercises, sacred art prompts, and worksheets to nurture you through the week and to prepare for the next session.
Have access to recordings of all the sessions.
Private community forum for questions and sharing.
Comprehensive digital manual of tools and exercises.

Embrace your own body wisdom and bring your gifts to the evolving consciousness of humanity.
Module 1 - March
Awakening, Being Present, Discovering
Module 2 - April
Embracing, Exploring, Uncovering
Module 3 - May
Loving, Empowering, Reclaiming
Module 4 - June
Acting, Allowing, Releasing
Module 5 - July
Reclaiming our Path
Module 6 - August
Partnering with the Universe

Module 1 - March
Awakening, Being Present, Discovering

Coming into relationship with our body is the beginning of the journey home to our authentic selves, and to our ability to be loving guides to others. Our life energy radiates from the inside out, and our body is the carrier of that life force. It is the bridge to remembering all that we have always known.
As we find our deeper connection to our body, we enter the stream of well-being which connects us to each other and to the universal life force – the whole molecular, energetic, spacious, and always moving field. And as we awaken to the unconditional love of our own heart field, we are able to gently guide others towards their own loving relationship with themselves.
We will experience and learn guided embodied exercises of awakening to the whole body. These exercises can change your client’s well-being in 20 minutes as they discover new sensations and body signals to guide them in their lives.
In the March sessions you will:

Get started with the ground of “Conscious Body Coaching,” - the norms and beliefs, that guide all the work we will do together.
Discover how to find your full body “Yes,” where your body, mind and spirit are energetically aligned and learn the tools to bring
that skill to others.
Learn simple morning practices to teach your clients that will increase their peace and body awareness all day.
Establish a relationship to all your perceptions, turning on your own inner lights, as you awaken your own awareness. Practice incorporating these enlivening techniques into your coaching.
Explore what it means to be present in your body moment to moment, letting your curiosity open your flexibility and flow. Sharing these exercises is a basic key to guiding others to well-being.
Practice the skills we have focused on with each other, guided by the Turning the Wheel team of experienced facilitators with years of experience in embodiment practices.
Receive journaling exercises, sacred art prompts, and worksheets to nurture you through the week and to prepare for the next session.

Module 2 - April
Embracing, Exploring, Uncovering

In this module we will take all the energy generated by waking up and use that to learn to witness unconditionally and with curiosity. We will explore tools for uncovering what might need loving attention in ourselves and in our clients.
Being in the moment in our bodies allows us to explore our own stories unconditionally. As we seek to break the habit of unconscious conditioned response and to restore creativity to our process, we learn how to bring that magic to our clients.
Exploring ourselves with love we will practice new skills and experience a new awareness of what it means to listen to our bodies, to listen to our hearts, and to create a space for spontaneous new beginnings to emerge in our lives and the lives of those we serve.
In the April sessions you will:

Be guided through playful exercises that enable you to unconditionally witness and discover your inner stories in partnership with the wisdom of your body. These exercises serve to enhance your own personal explorations while giving you tools to use with your clients.
Learn innovative body-based ways to guide your clients into their own explorations of their stuck places.
Discover the power of following your feelings into your body as guideposts to rewrite old stories and beliefs as you drop into your own authentic path, and guide others along that journey.
Learn short meditation practices for peace, contentment, and stress relief that you can easily pass on to a very diverse client base.
Experience the healing power of tracking your own body as you let go of fixing your clients and allow them to bloom in your good attention.
Incorporate morning practices that will set your clients up for a whole day of ease and success.
Receive journaling exercises, sacred art prompts, and worksheets to nurture you through the week and prepare for the next session.

Module 3 - May
Love, Empowering, Reclaiming

The act of loving ourselves unconditionally brings us home to ourselves and instantly expands our capacity to give love and to receive love, allowing the circle to
complete itself.
Of all the steps towards healing from trauma, from loss, from illness, from abuse, and from stress of all kinds, this is by far the most important one for truly unlocking the old story. Falling in love with all of who we are and quieting our critical voice is an essential step on the path to living an empowered and peaceful life.
As a Conscious Body Coach, this is where you will spend most of your time with your clients, and with yourself as well, and get the most stunning results and the most enduring change.
In the May sessions you will:

Learn tools for listening, witnessing, and guiding that bring ease and flow to your interactions with clients, while empowering their own voice and inner knowing.
Experience guided visualizations that call on the elements and nature as a force for healing, creating the open space that heals and transforms your body and your spirit. Journey into another level in your psyche as we reclaim our deepest soul’s knowing.
Learn how to cultivate wholeness and leave behind binding stories that don’t serve you anymore. Find the authentic movement and creative potential of each moment.
Explore movement-based ways to help your clients source their own safety and inhabit their authenticity more deeply.
Learn the transformative power of self-appreciation, and practice tools for gentle easy ways to open to the never-ending stream of well-being that is always flowing into
our bodies.
Receive journaling exercises, sacred art prompts, and worksheets to nurture you through the week and prepare for the next session.

Module 4 - June
Acting, Allowing, Releasing

We can re-pattern our brains into new possibilities with simple, caring action steps. The brain loves spontaneity and new possibilities.
The key is to make your action steps a co-creative partnership with the loving source we have cultivated in the previous module. With every shift you make into trust, the entire collective unconscious shifts with you. Now you become a source - a channel for healing.
Freedom emerges from embracing the paradox of knowing what we want and letting go in trust. This is a dynamic and moving energy that is evolving all the time and holding us gently as we find our way to loving and appreciating ourselves and every living being on the planet.
In the June sessions you will:

Practice easy and accessible actions steps that create a ground for your clients to manifest the life they want.
Experience powerful tools to bring to your practice that unleash creativity and
empower choice.
Learn four simple steps to a positive brain, planting joy and creating new neurons
in the brain.
Play with breathing and releasing into presence; into the experience your body is having right now and accepting that experience as the starting point.
Take a journey that will nourish and enlighten you, as you drop into a body experience of moving in alignment with your essence.
Learn a combination of ancient and innovative methods for guiding your clients in reclaiming pieces of their magic they left behind.
Receive journaling exercises, sacred art prompts, and worksheets to nurture you through the week and prepare for the next session.

Module 5 - July
Reclaiming our Path

Your unique, amazing self has always been there and will always be there. And you can create a path that carries you forward into those authentic and magical parts of yourself, reclaiming pieces you left behind and discovering new ways of being along the way.
Using embodied journeys, we will clear out the old narratives, all the belief systems, stories, and ways of operating in the world that were assigned to us by our families, our parents and grandparents, our churches, our schools and our neighborhoods, our peers, by the prevailing myths and belief systems in the countries and cultures we live in, and even by our ancestry.
Rarely do these stories and choices take us to our own authentic gifts. Luckily, we can give the old, habituated stories back, letting go of what no longer serves us, and appreciate all the good things we learned while we were on that path – skills, messages, and wisdom - that we can take forward on our own true journey.
Which path will carry you to the realm of pure delight and radical spontaneity?
In the July sessions you will:

Take an empowering journey into the mysteries of authenticity and self-love as we experience the four steps of the “Body Now” mandala in action. We will move through the steps on an elegant and creative pathway. This journey to discovery brings shamanic magic to the transformational energy you bring to your clients.
Step into the next piece of the puzzle as you learn to master the imaginal world and guide your clients on their journey to manifest their authentic, astonishing selves in joy and celebration.
Explore practical aspects of coaching, like how to prepare for a session and how to move through a session with a beginning, middle, and end.
Learn the power of coming from the positive ground of health and practice using techniques for “checking in” that change the game.
Experience the realm of empowered and radical spontaneity through a nourishing exercise that gently moves your clients into the open spaces in their inner landscape, gathering their dreams, wishes, positive energy, and their full body ”Yes.”
Learn practical tools for helping your clients resolve triggers and differences among their family and friends.
Receive journaling exercises, sacred art prompts, and worksheets to nurture you through the week and prepare for the next session.

Module 6 - August
Partnering with the Universe

As Conscious Body Coaches we want to touch the sacred impulse itself, the source of this higher potential that’s emerging. Allowing ourselves to play in the field of the evolutionary impulse opens the door for us to guide others to the divinity within them.
In this module we will have a chance to live into that impulse and learn ways to bring ourselves back there when we need to, and to guide others towards their own beautiful essence.
And that takes us back to falling even more passionately in love with ourselves. From that place of deep self- love, we remember that the real change point is in being willing to say “yes” to ourselves on a consistent and reliable basis. “What do I want, what makes me smile, what brings ease to my body?” “What needs loving in me?” And “How can I be of service?”
As we complete our journey, we stand together in the heart centered knowing that all is well.
In the August sessions you will:

Create your own meditation practice to keep you safe and vital as you navigate your coaching journey going forward with an open heart.
Learn a guided journey that will unite your clients with their “higher self,” and how to integrate the energy and wisdom and safety of this heartful, unconditionally loving presence. This is an empowering and transformative pathway to turning on the feel-good stories in our bodies.
Discover simple tools for 20 second shifts into whole body happiness.
Move and breathe into the ease of the evolutionary impulse which guides us to lasting peace and contentment. Learn how to weave the internal web inside your body so you can build a positive and restorative web outside your body.
Learn how to create an embodied map with your client, a powerful tool for moving forward and integrating all the work you have done together. Guide them to create, track and share action steps for the path forward, a path of celebration and joyful evolution.
Review and ground more deeply together into the philosophy, attitudes, and personal awareness practices that allow you to create safe a container for healing.
Ground into the philosophy of “yes” and all the ways we can utilize this in our healing work.
Learn ways to bring celebration back into our lives every day as we close our 6-month journey together.

Conscious Body Coaching
This is for you!

A unique combination of personal evolution and innovative skills for bringing
well-being to others.
What you will get:
4 sessions a month for 6 months
(2 hour learning sessions 2 times a month -Tuesdays)
(1 hour practice sessions 2 times a month - Thursdays)
Recordings of all sessions
70 page comprehensive digital manual of tools and exercises
Private forum for questions and connection
Plus Bonuses:
Final 2 hour questions and answer closing together
2 bonus hours of individual mentoring

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3 Payments Of

Early Bird Discount!
Sign up before February 10th to receive $300 off!
*Worried about finances? No problem, give Abbey a call for payment plan options. 207.399.4804 or abbey@turningthewheel.org
Your Satisfaction is %100 Guaranteed!
Meet Alana Shaw:

An empowering speaker and facilitator, Alana has guided joyful and healing embodiment events in cities in the US and Canada for over 30 years. Her dynamic and energetic presentation style is experiential, humorous, transforming, and consistently positive for her participants. Exploring beyond talk through improvisation, play and creativity fosters a landscape of deep healing and joy.
Following a deep-seated call to serve youth from a body-aware paradigm of love, Alana founded Turning the Wheel (TTW), a national nonprofit that has touched the lives of over 200,000 people in more than 2000 diverse schools and organizations around the country.
Turning the Wheel uses the power of expressive art to build healthy communities, foster leaders, and share the joy of self-expression with participants of all ages, economic situations, genders, ethnic backgrounds, and challenges. TTW has developed a certification program called The Body Now to train facilitators to serve everything from underprivileged to mainstream populations, and has established several branches around the country to provide ongoing service in their communities.
Alana holds an MFA in Dance from the University of Colorado with a thesis on healing and reintegration through creative expression. She has developed a model for moving with ease from stress to positive action that is truly revolutionary for personal fulfillment and professional success. She is a certified Hendricks Body Mind Vibrance Coach and works with individuals and couples therapeutically from her home office in the mountains above Boulder, CO.
Alana wrote her first book, Dancing Our Way Home, as a companion for those with a deep commitment to providing transformational guidance in their communities. The Body Now followed, which is a work that emerged out of her experience guiding adults toward healing, authenticity, and wholeness through the body and creative expression. Alana’s mission to inspire a new paradigm for inclusiveness, collaboration, and community engagement remains paramount in all projects in which she invests her heart filled commitment.

What People Are Saying About Alana Shaw...
"I’ve had 25 years of my own experiences in education, coaching, as a workshop attendee and a healing guide, and CBC is among my most comprehensive and transformative experiences. Research finally supports what Alana has known all along and “embodiment” has become a popular buzzword. There are many trainings of this sort to choose from. Students of Conscious Body Coaching can be assured that they are learning from a trailblazer in the field; one who will offer her students an authentic journey into the body as the primary mechanism of change, and prepare them to serve others with love and compassion."
-Lulu Delphine, November 2021
"Truthfully, Alana's facilitation workshops have been one of the highlights of the pandemic for me. Not only do I get to meet people from around the world, but I get to move, sing, and create with them, and add new tools to my repertoire, too! At Turning The Wheel workshops, we utilize our bodies, minds, and physical spaces in innovative, creative, joyful ways, all while tuning into our inner resources and embracing whatever we find. Turning The Wheel is unmatched at creating a radically accepting, loving, generous, regenerative container for all participants."
-Lucy Passaro, March 2021
Alana Shaw is a transformational guide, workshop leader, author, artist, and one of the nation’s leading experts in embodiment and art-based social change work.

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1 Payment Of

Early Bird Discount!
Sign up before February 10th to receive $300 off!
*Worried about finances? No problem, give Abbey a call for payment plan options. 207.399.4804 or abbey@turningthewheel.org
Conscious Body Coaching has evolved over 32 years of therapeutic somatic work in the field with thousands of people. It is time tested and flexible enough to be integrated into your own healing systems and beliefs.
I am deeply and passionately grateful to the incredible facilitator and development teams of Turning the Wheel Productions, who helped to create so many of these healing practices over the last 32 years. Through collaboration, a cornerstone of our organization, we have discovered what really works for sustainable and meaningful change. The commitment and love of our co-creative community has been the basis for my well-being and the well-being of literally thousands of people across the earth.
The wisdom of my teachers and guides is woven through this whole body of work. I will acknowledge these teachers as we journey together and share where to find them if you wish to deepen into their work. In addition, much of this work is a synthesis and integration of my 75 years on the earth, and my own experience of walking out of a childhood of intense trauma, guided by many allies along the way into my own joy and well-being.
And last, but not least, so much of what value I bring to the earth, I learned from my seven children and eight grandchildren, who continue to lovingly walk me into believing in myself and in the future of all living beings on this earth.
"The practice of coaching one another with the prompt of first connecting and becoming present - in the body - resulted in a level of comfort and confidence that was inspiring. The class practice sessions were rich with wholehearted listening, gentle inquiry and positive suggestions." -Suzanne
"I have really learned how to guide people into their bodies for sustainable change and to guide myself there too!" -Abbey
"This type of coaching is incredibly generous and vulnerable, it is a way to say I'm not telling you anything you don't already know but here is now you can tune in and empower yourself."